Thursday, September 19, 2013

Magnetic Poetry on My Fridge

1 comment:

  1. Jessie D, a nice snapshot poem! reminds me of the bpNichol near-visual landscapey poems wherein he replaces objects with their words (

    the word-blocks almost assume a petal-likeness, wanting to be a bit more windstrewn perhaps (

    when i took a creative writing class with Tom Wayman years ago, he would regularly advocate the chopping of final lines/couplets, and i wonder if such an axing could work here... do the final three verbs seem somewhat dangley? what's verbing is unclear?

    i almost want to rotate the image 90° to the left, so that lines appear vertical like rain, but get read moving skyward, eh? could be a compelling kind of tension?

    last kwestun/wondering: did one of the course texts inspire the magnet poem? oh, and could/should the idea of attraction/poles/sticking be implicated because of the form? i dunno! we'll discuss in class! thanks for sharing!
